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dim. 30 juin



Ayurveda Basics Workshop: Find your individual balance (Solstice Day 🌞)

In this workshop, we will immerse ourselves in the fascinating world of Ayurveda and discover how you can find your own personal physical, mental and spiritual balance.

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Ayurveda Basics Workshop: Find your individual balance  (Solstice Day 🌞)
Ayurveda Basics Workshop: Find your individual balance  (Solstice Day 🌞)

Heure et lieu

30 juin 2024, 14:30 – 16:00

Uccle, Av. Hamoir 14B, 1180 Uccle, Belgique


🙏 <<  Nous t'invitons Ă  lire les conditions de l'Ă©venĂ©ment et de faire ta rĂ©servation en conscience >> 🙏

Description ✹

What can you expect?

* Introduction to Ayurveda: Learn what Ayurveda is and how it can help you find your balance.

* Individual recommendations: Based on your own constitution and the prevailing biorhythms, which in Ayurveda are shown by the doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha, you will learn how to make individual adjustments to your lifestyle.

* Sleep and breaks: Discover how important sleep and regular breaks are and how you can optimize them.

* Nutrition and soul food: Learn which foods and rituals can nourish and support you.

* Use life energy consciously: Receive valuable tips on how you can use your life energy more consciously in everyday life.

* Practical implementation: Find out how you can put what you have learned into practice to maintain your balance in the long term.

* Ayurvedic morning routine: Gain insights into the Ayurvedic morning routine to start your day in harmony. You don't need any prior experience, but I ask that you please fill out a form in advance so we can discuss any potential contraindications.

Why participate?

* Holistic health: Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach to health promotion that takes equal account of body, mind and soul.

* Individualized care: Learn how to adapt the recommendations of Ayurveda to your individual needs.

* Tips for everyday life: Receive practical tips that you can easily integrate into your everyday life.

* Self-care: Discover new ways of self-care that will support you in the long term.

* Community: Meet like-minded people and share your experiences in a supportive and inspiring environment.

I look forward to experiencing this special workshop with you and showing you how Ayurveda can support you on your path to greater balance and well-being.

Namasté and see you soon,

📝 Comment participer aux activitĂ©s du Solstice Day:

  • Inscrivez-vous Ă  l'entrĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale de l'Ă©vĂ©nement.
  • Choisissez les activitĂ©s qui rĂ©sonnent avec vous et inscrivez-vous Ă  chacune d'elle.
  • ⚠ Assurez-vous de ne pas vous inscrire Ă  des activitĂ©s qui ont lieu en mĂȘme temps, notamment dans la salle de yoga et la salle de mĂ©ditation.
  • ⚠ Les places sont limitĂ©es, alors si un cours est complet, la prioritĂ© sera accordĂ©e aux participant(e)s n'ayant pas encore choisi d'activitĂ©.
  • ⚠ Par respect pour nos intervenant(e)s et les participant(e)s en liste d'attente, veuillez vous inscrire de maniĂšre responsable, afin que chacun puisse profiter pleinement.

Intervenante 👥


I found my true calling through my initial yoga teacher training in India, further education in Ayurveda and Coaching, and by leading a Retreat House in Germany as well as living and learning in India and Sri Lanka. Today, as a certified Yoga Instructor, Ayurveda practitioner, and Coach, Breathwork Facilitator and Doula. I offer services ranging from individual sessions to workshops and retreats, specializing in women, prenatal support, baby massage, Systemic Practices, Embodiment, Breathwork, and Reiki. Passionate about combining ancient wisdom with modern techniques, I continuously educate myself to better support others on their path to stress relief, emotional well-being, and greater joy in life.

Information supplĂ©mentaire❓


Code de Conduite 📜

L’Ashram est un lieu spirituel. Nous t’invitons Ă  lire le code de conduite en conscience avant ton arrivĂ©e Ă  l’Ashram:

Participation en Conscience 💸

Cet événement est gratuit.

Si vous souhaitez soutenir l'Ashram, vous pourrez faire une donation sur place ou via le compte suivant:

Bénéficiaire: Ashram in the City ASBL

Compte: BE81 1431 2442 3924

Communication: Donation

L’importance d’honorer son engagement 🤝 (Politique d'annulation)

Ton engagement

Nous t'invitons à réserver tes activités en conscience. Lorsque tu t'inscris, que ce soit pour les événements payants ou sous donation, tu t'engages à faire un maximum pour respecter ton engagement. C'est un engagement envers l'Ashram, les intervenant(e)s et surtout envers toi mĂȘme.

Par respect des intervenant(e)s et des participant(e)s en liste d’attente, l’Ashram ne rembourse pas les annulations de dernière minute (minimum 24 heures

avant l'événement) sauf cas de force majeure dûment justifié.

Notre engagement

Nous faisons notre maximum pour ne pas annuler les événements de l'Ashram.

Dans le cas oĂč il n'y a pas assez de participant(e)s pour maintenir une activitĂ©, tu seras informé par email.


Si tu dois annuler ta participation à un événement, tu peux envoyer un email à l'adresse suivante:


Si tu désires honorer ton engagement, tu peux faire un virement sur le compte de l'Ashram.

Partager cet événement

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